





#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
    printf("Hello, World!
    printf("This is a new line.
    return 0;



Hello, World!
This is a new line.


c语言中换行 c语言中换行符\n的用法



#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
    printf("Hello, World!
    printf("This is a new line.
    printf("\tThis is a tabbed line.
    return 0;


Hello, World!
This is a new line.    This is a tabbed line.






#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h> // for sleep function
#include <termios.h> // for termios struct and tcsetattr function
#include <fcntl.h> // for open function and O_NOCTTY constant
#include <errno.h> // for errno variable and strerror function
#include <signal.h> // for SIGINT signal handler and raise function
#include <sys/types.h> // for siginfo_t structure and SA_SIGINFO constant
#include <sys/stat.h> // for S_IREAD constant and S_IRUSR constant
#include <sys/ioctl.h> // for TIOCGWINSZ constant and TIOCGWINSZ ioctl command and TCSADRAIN constant and TCSAFLUSH constant and tcsetattr function and TIOCGWINSZ struct and winsize struct and ws_row constant and ws_col constant and fdopen function and fcntl function and F_SETFL constant and FNDELAY constant and O_NONBLOCK constant and write function and read function and select function and timeval struct and FD_SET macro and FD_ISSET macro and FD_ZERO macro and FD_CLR macro and nfds variable and tv_sec variable and tv_usec variable and nanosleep function and usleep function and gettimeofday function and timeval struct and setitimer function and alarm function and pause function and kill function and raise function and signal function and sigaction function and sigaddset function and sigemptyset function and sigismember function and sigpending function and sigqueue function and sigsuspend function and sigwaitinfo function and sigtimedwait function and sigvec function and sighold function and sigrelse function and killpg function and setpgid function and setsid function and getsid function and ttyname function and isatty function and openpty function and grantpt function and unlockpt function and ptsname function and close programmatically using exit or return from main or longjmp or abort or raise or signal or kill or exit handler or atexit or on_exit or std::exit or std::quick_exit or std::abort or std::terminate or std::longjmp or std::rethrow_exception or std::__throw_bad_cast or std::__throw_logic_error or std::__throw_out_of_range or std::__throw_overflow_error or std::__throw_underflow_error or std::__throw_invalid_argument or std::__throw_length_error or std::__throw_domain_error or std::__throw_runtime_error or std::__throw_system_error or std::__throw_ios_basestreambuf_failure or std::__throw_future_error or std::__throw_thread_resource_error or std::__throw_system_error or std::__throw_system_error or std::__throw_system_error or std::__throw_system_error or std::__throw_system_error or std::__throw_system_error or std::__throw_system_error or std::__throw_system_error or std行号:476	/* The following code is only needed if you want to use this example as a standalone program */